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Huf Haus GmbH & Co. KG is a German company operating worldwide and based in Hartenfels, Westerwald region, that manufactures prefabricated homes. Huf Haus is the world's leading firm in selling houses in the Bauhaus architectural tradition based on the German Fachwerk ("Frame House") design. The construction allows individual floor plans, including for residential as well as office buildings. The homes, also called Huf houses, are available as zero-energy buildings.

Near the end of 2009, Huf Haus started new designed houses which the company calls "evolutionary" in its post-and-beam architecture but "revolutionary" in energy efficiency.

Because the expressive symbiosis of wood and glass finds recognition at major international architecture and design competitions, and among Huf Haus clients, who also acknowledge that it can be individually designed, the main stylistic elements have not changed.

Despite the generous use of glass the Huf Haus houses require only a heating rate of 34 W/m2 (at Hartenfels, Germany). The main reasons are:

All constructional wood elements are fitted with a heat-insulation layer put together at the factory - this reduces thermal bridges.
The already well-insulated walls have been redesigned. The walls are thicker now and their depth can be varied depending on the climatic region. The material used is tailored to the location, so that an adequate heat insulation is achieved.
The glass walls have 51 mm triple glazing with a heat transfer coefficient (U-value) of 0.6 W/m2K.
Home technology is based on a heat pump, electronically regulated heating systems, under floor heating pipes laid very closely together, a highly efficient ventilation system and independent domestic hot water pumps, so that the independent heating system can be switched off during the summer months.
A large photovoltaic system across nearly the whole roof.

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